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2014/15 Membership sign up (Seniors, Badgers & VIxens)

2014/15 Membership sign up (Seniors, Badgers & VIxens)

Stuart Emms6 Aug 2014 - 08:17
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How to sign up (and pay!) as a member now available

Adult, Vixens and Badgers Membership sign up 2014/15
This email details what you need to do to sign up as a member and how to pay your annual subscription in 2014/15. You can do this NOW.

Membership sign up is a THREE stage process

  1. Visit and either join the website ( if you have not already become a member of the website) or if you are already a member of the website log in.
  2. Once you have logged in to the website please go to your account settings and add as much detail as prompted to do eg email address , telephone number. This information will help the Secretary considerably in organising the club . This information will not be shared and is not visible to anyone else but yourself and the Secretary and Chairman.
  3. Click on ‘Payments’ and follow the prompts

The website will only allow you to become a stand alone club member if you are 14 and over. If you are a vixen or badger and under 14 please ask your parent to join the website as a club member and I will email them with further instructions of how to pay.

The club website uses a payment system called gocardless. If you would like any further information about this secure payment method please see the link below

Information about paying match fees will follow nearer to the end of August.

All annual subscriptions need to be paid by the end of September . Subs are £90 but rise to £100 if not paid by end September.

Family Offer – the website does not have a function set up yet to take a family payment so please pay your adult annual subscription and I will release further information in due course about junior payments.

The good news is that the annual subscriptions and match fees are staying at the same price for the season 2014/2015 !

  • Seniors—£90 annual subscriptions, £7 match fees
  • Student/unwaged—£65 subs, £4 match fees
  • Badger/Vixens— £65 subs, £4 match fee

Any questions or problems contact Myra Patterson on 07976308389 or email

Further reading